If you were involved in an auto accident in the city of San Diego, and left the scene without exchanging information (regardless of fault) with the other party, you could be charged with a San Diego Hit and Run.
If you find yourself in this type of situation, you are probably wondering what the best steps to take to try and avoid being charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense. To avoid this happening, it is always helpful to have your lawyer talk to the police investigator handling your case to understand the facts and circumstances involving your accident and the other party. The police investigator will deal with your lawyer in a much more positive manner than they would deal with you. Their investigation would typical entail coming to the police station, obtaining a statement from you, and inspecting your vehicle (unless it was already impounded). It is not uncommon that police officers come to people’s home to complete their investigation.
As a skilled hit and run specialist for over thirty years, our attorneys have found that being cooperative with the police at the earliest possible time after the accident dramatically increases the percentage of cases we are able to get closed or dismissed, without any charges being filed.